We are Experts in Cloud Costs

Cloud Computing has transformed the technology landscape and drastically improved the speed of innovation, globalization, accessibility to AI, and complex analytics. All these are accessible at no capital expenditure enabling their rapid adoption across business of all sizes.

However, operating Cloud at scale can be challenging from Cost perspective.  Flexera’s State of Cloud 2024 highlights Cost and Security as the top challenges of managing Cloud.

The Cost Puzzle

Organizations Without
a Cloud Cost Optimization
Strategy Overspend
Up to 70% On Cloud Services.
Source: Gartner
Managing Cloud Cost is hard because of complex pricing, managing resources efficiently, and forecasting. Most importantly, visibility into usage, and cost across applications, services, resources, and accounts can be challenging.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help businesses manage and mitigate Cloud Cost Risks,  Avoid Wastage, and run Optimal, Efficient Cloud.